Our Values
Mission Statement
As a symbol of empowerment, remembrance, and resistance against limitations, the gladiolus flower embodies the qualities of a survivor–that the endurers of disease are not victims but rather combatants against the afflictions of illness. Understanding that we are a community empowers us to work together. Remembering that nobody is alone in this fight helps us overcome challenges together. Resisting the urge to give up renders us victorious together.
At the Gladiolus Project, our main objective is to aid those most vulnerable to the effects of communicable diseases through fundraising. In addition to raising money for several organizations throughout San Diego, we will be collecting money to create our own care packages to send to communities in need of assistance.
As an organization, we value educating others about ongoing communicable diseases through weekly blogs and social media posts. With an aim to spread awareness, these posts will keep you updated on information on several diseases, including how these diseases spread as well as how you can keep yourself and your community protected and healthy.
To us, gratitude is beyond simply expressing appreciation; gratitude involves recognizing the value of someone else’s support. A major pillar in the Gladiolus Project involves generosity and charity. Providing humanitarian services for those in need leads to the development of a more conscious community based around upholding the support for the wellbeing of humanity.